Liskow has the experience and reputation to get to the center of any severance tax dispute and get it resolved as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Since the inception of the oil and gas industry, severance taxes on production have played a major role in a producer’s dealings with the State of Louisiana. The severance tax statutes purport to be clear an unambiguous, but for decades there have been areas where ambiguities arise litigation may be necessary.
Our lawyers have the expertise to guide you through any severance tax disputes and the reputation to be taken seriously by the Louisiana Department of Revenue, the entity that collects severance taxes. We have been instrumental in setting precedent regarding the meaning and reach of oil and gas severance taxes, not only for the immediate case, but also in clarifying the law so as to provide certainty on an ongoing basis. Most recently, the Louisiana Department of Revenue went after more than 50 small and midsized oil and gas producers in Louisiana, alleging that the longstanding method of calculating severance taxes on crude oil production did not accurately reflect the value of that production at the lease. Liskow handled the ”test case” for all those producers, obtained a favorable outcome in the Louisiana Board of Tax Appeals, and successfully defended that win in the appellate courts. As a result, all the producers were able to resolve their disputes and obtain certainty for the future on a economical and efficient basis.